Hiring your first superstar VA is a major step in your business. Apart from the opportunity to scale up, it could also be an indicator that your business is going smoothly that you are able to hire someone to be part of your team.
It is an exciting stage in your business. Yay!

However, if I will be honest, as soon as I hired my first VA, most of the excitement was replaced by uncertainty. Your business is your brainchild. You “gave birth” to it, nurtured it, and let it grow. The uncertainty comes in when you think of letting a stranger look after your business.
I know, I’ve been there.
Trust plays a crucial role in getting confident with your VA’s dependability. The very good thing though is that when you start gaining that confidence towards your VA, your mind will be at ease, and all the uncertainty will just go away.
With the surfacing of VA recruitment services, hiring a dependable VA has never been easier. And with Global VA Solutions, we guarantee that we only hire VAs that are a perfect fit to your business, as well as your preferences.
Multitude Of VA Roles
When I first heard about Virtual Assistants, or VAs, I thought that they only do the same thing. I thought that VA A can do what VA B can do. I was wrong.
Virtual Assistant is the general term used for talents you hire within a virtual workplace setup. Think of it like singers. Singers in general are entertainers who sing, but each has their own genre. There are singers who sing jazz, pop, country, etc. VAs are like that in the sense that each has tasks and skills they specialise with.
Below are the most common VA roles:
Web designers
Appointment setters
Admin or General VAs
Social media managers
Digital marketers
Recruitment officers
ECommerce VAs
Real estate VAs
There are instances when a VA has multiple skill sets acquired through years of experience. For example, an appointment setter may also have skills for recruitment or talent sourcing. Although, in general, all VAs should have admin VA skills. Think of it as a VA’s entry-level skillset.
Take That First Hiring Step
It was mentioned above that sometimes uncertainty comes in after you’ve hired your VA, and when you’re already at the stage of delegating tasks. However, I’ve known a lot of people who felt uncertain just thinking about hiring a VA. It is fully understandable. Investing resources and time within your business, and then hiring someone to take care of it can be quite daunting. You will catch yourself thinking of all the worst possible scenarios. Stop!

Breathe in, breathe out.
When I was already planning to hire my first VA, I remember having mixed emotions. I thought, “Will this work? Is this the right thing to do? Will it be beneficial?”. For the most part, I was excited and anxious. Let me tell you this, when you’re already on the verge of overthinking, just stop. Then, ask yourself these questions:
How many hours am I spending with my business?
Does this already affect my personal life?
Which part/s of my business are taking up so much of my time?
As soon as you answer these questions, you will start thinking of what a relief it would be to have someone help you out with your business. The first step is always the most difficult, but as soon as you take it, everything else follows.
If you’re one of those who have uncertainties, Global VA Solutions offers a free consultation call before you hire your VA. Here, we will discuss what you need, and what type of VA we will hire for you.
How To Let VA Do Their Tasks
Your main goal for hiring a VA is to delegate tasks that are taking much of your time so you can focus on more important tasks in your business. The question is, how will you delegate your tasks to your VA?
Here’s a list on how you’d be able to do just that:
Project Management
When delegating tasks, make sure that you have set yourself up a project management tool. Tools like Asana will immensely help your company be more organised. With this, you would be able to create projects and tasks that you can share with your VA. No need to go back and forth through emails or messaging apps. Asana will be your one-stop shop for all things concerning tasks relating to your business. Apart from management of projects, it also has a feature which lets you communicate with your team members.
Communication Channels
It goes without saying that working within a remote work setup, communication plays a crucial role. Part of having a communication process is to have the most stable and reliable communication tools. You have to ensure that you select the most appropriate communication tools depending on the types of messages your members will send. Instant messaging applications like Messenger, Slack or WhatsApp are good for urgent messages. Whereas, emails are good for formal correspondences.
Time Tracking
When your VA does a task, it is also imperative for you to keep track of how long it takes for the task to be finished. Apart from using this to track your VA’s wage, this will also be helpful in knowing which tasks and processes need some tweaking to make them more efficient. Your best bet is to use time tracking apps such as Clockify or HubStaff. By using apps like these, you'll be guaranteed to have a record of your VA’s time record. Lastly, this will also be helpful in empowering your VA to monitor their improvement in completing certain tasks.

File Sharing
Last but not the least is the question of how you will share files with your VA. Remote work setup can be challenging if online office tools haven’t been invented yet. You can still use Microsoft Office tools, but it will be time-consuming to go back and forth with your VA through email. Needless to say, a lot of ecommerce business owners use Google Office tools now. With this, you only need to share the file’s shareable link, and give permission to your VA depending on the level of permission they need - View, Edit, Comment.
Final Thoughts
At the end of the day, you always have to think that your VA is your confidant. It also helps if you think of your VA as someone working WITH you, and not FOR you. Everything will be awkward at first, but all will go smoothly eventually. The most important thing is to take that first step, know how you will delegate your time-consuming tasks, and empower your VA.
If you wish to get in touch with us and help you hire your superstar VA, then book that free consultation call here.
Here Are Some Additional Resources
Get Expert Virtual Assistants: Want to build your team of transformational VAs and free your time? Learn more here.
Ready to Outsource? Book a Free Consultation Call to learn how we can help you scale your business through Virtual Assistants.
Need to Understand The Benefits of Outsourcing? Download our FREE guide to get all your questions answered.
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